For the Family SUV segment of the Beijing Auto Show I teamed up with Daniel Ahrens to create this interior piece - with Florian Prütz delivering these little detail animations. Daniel did the first part completely by himself. Then we came up with the idea to project type on the walls and pieces of furniture. The camer moves in such a way that the words are only legible for a short time.Additionally, we had to incorporate the huge screens on the ceiling in our work.

Produced at ACHT
Creative Director: Julian Krüger

Detail: The concept was to project graphics only over certain surfaces

Colours and graphics to give each room a slightly different feeling while speaking the same language

We tried to simplify the rooms to make way for our graphics and colours but keep some traces of the inhabitants

Wide open spaces with plenty of light fitted the theme of a family car

The parking garage scenery alludes to the opening of the film where Daniel built a realistic parking garage set

Attic scene

The final frame of the film